Hello and welcome to SakaiPlus@UMSI. This server is maintained and operated by Charles Severance and Michael Hess using University of Michigan School of Information server infrastructure. All learner activity data (assignments, files, and other activity) is stored exclusively on UMSI servers.
SakaiPlus enables the entirety of Sakai to be plugged into an enterprise LMS like Canvas, Blackboard, or Brightspace. Sakai uses uses 1EdTech LTI Advantage® to synchronizes the roster and grades with the enterprise LMS so a teacher teach their entire course in Sakai or use one or more Sakai tools in the Enterprise LMS using an LTI Advantage launch in an iframe.
SakaiPlus is in development so this server will be regularly updated to contain the latest version of Sakai and SakaiPlus. If you are interested in experimenting with SakaiPlus or learning more about this service, please contact Chuck or Michael.